CSEBO proudly offers its Members a menu of plans to choose from through our carrier sponsor Kaiser Permanente. All of CSEBO's medical plans offer a full-suite of condition management programs, TeleMedicine and 24/7 physician lines:

CSEBO Kaiser Site

Quick Login
       - Login
       - New Users
       - New User Enrollment Video (English)
       - New User Enrollment Video (Spanish)

American Specialty Health (ASH) Discounts
       - Chiropractic Providers Ventura County
       - Gym Discounts Ventura County

Self-Care Apps
       - On-demand self-care apps 

Active & Fit 
       - Active & Fit Flyer


Member Services

Toll Free: (800) 464-4000 (English)
              (800) 788-0616 (Spanish)
              (800) 777-1370 (TTY)

Member Services Senior Advantage
              (800) 443-0815

After-Hours Nurse Advice
              (888) 576-6225
              (888) 880-0833 (TTY)

Questions can also be directed to Trever Hansen, CSEBO Health Benefits Manager, at trhansen@vcoe.org

Collapse All Expand All

       - HMO 10
       - HMO 30
       - CDHP DHMO 90
       - CDHP DHMO 60
       - $10 KPSA
       - $25 KPSA
       - Chiropractic & Acupuncture Rider


       - HMO 10
       - HMO 30
       - CDHP 90
       - CDHP 60
       - Chiropractic & Acupuncture SPD


Every plan has a prescription drug formulary, or list of drugs that are covered under the plan. CSEBO's plans all share the same formulary but are differentiated by tiers. Tiers are broken down in ascending order by member cost share, starting with the lowest member cost share:

  1. Tier 1: Generic drugs; generally have the lowest cost share for members.
  2. Tier 2: Brand drugs, contained on the formulary and are preferred; these drugs have a higher cost share for members.
  3. Tier 3: Brand drugs, not on the formulary, and are non-preferred; these drugs have a higher cost share than Tier 2 drugs.
  4. Tier 4: Specialty drugs, classified as high-cost, high complexity and are often injected or infused; these drugs have the highest cost share for members.

To access CSEBO's prescription drug formulary, please utilize the reference guide below:

Plan Name CA-Commerical 2-Tier CA Commercial 3-Tier 
HMO 10 X  
HMO 30   X
DHMO CDHP $1,500   X
DHMO CDHP $4,500   X
